Arkanae : Help

- Summary -

- Installation -

- How to play -

- Game system -

- Staff -


Up arrow Go forwards
Down arrow Go backwards
Left arrow Turn left
Right arrow Turn right
Shift Jump. Run before jumping to jump longer but less high.
Ctrl Unsheathe. If the character is already unsheathed, release Ctrl to strike an intelligent blow (the character aims the nearest hostile creature).
Spacebar Sheathe if the character is unsheathed.
Ctrl + arrow The character strike a blow : direct (up arrow), brutal (left arrow), moving forwards (right arrow), turning (down arrow).
Items & inventory  
I Show / hide the inventory. Use left and right arrow to naviguate throught your items when inventory is opened.
Return / Enter Use or equip / unequip the selected item in the inventory (that which is in front of you).
Spacebar If the character is sheathed : pick an item on the floor, activate a mecanism, open a chest, read a book, ...
Suppr Drop the selected items of the inventory on the floor.
F1 to F12, 0 to 9, Alt, Tab,... Define a quick key to use an item of the inventory. Press the key when the inventory is opened with the item desired selected. Close the inventory and press the quick key : the item is used.
Spacebar If the character is sheathed and is near a friendly creature : engage the dialog.
A to Z The possible answers are shown with a letter in front of them. Press the key corresponding to this letter to say the corresponding sentence.
Numpad + Decrease the distance between the camera and the character.
Numpad - Increase the distance between the camera and the character.
Numpad 4 Turn the camera around the character to the left.
Numpad 6 Turn the camera around the character to the right.
Numpad 8 Turn the camera around the character to the top.
Numpad 2 Turn the camera around the character to the bottom.
P Show the character sheet. You can develop your skills (it costs one experience point for one +1).
S Save the game.
L Load the last saved game of the character you are playing with.
Page up The character gains 1 experience point.

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