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Each creature or character you might meet in Arkanae has his own alignment and his behaviour will depends of yours. Many creatures belong to an Arkance.

Alignment :
- Berserk : the creature attacks the nearest creature, whatever his alignment is.
- Loyal : the creature attacks all the creatures who have an opposed alignment (bad if the creature is good, good if he is bad).
- Strict : the creature attacks all thes creatures who haven't the same alignment.

Special Capacity :
- Big size monster : the creature must be stricked twice rapidly to be blowed away.
- Seek items : the creature can pick items on the ground and use them.

Akéron's creatures Alignment Description Notes
The priest Loyal good This priest lives in the church and is devoted to Akéron and to his cult. Can cast Healing (with no restriction) on him and on friendly creatures around.
Echassian Strict good Bird-like men are Akéron people. They are known to be great sword masters. Seek items.
Ark's creatures Alignment Description Notes
Crojax warrior Berserk neutral This gobelinoids live in the swamps. They are avides and pick all the items that lay on the ground. It's easy to corrupt them if you give them one of your items. Hostile except if you are neutral or bad aligned and have already killed a Crojax.
Seek items.
Crojax rogue Berserk neutral id but they can steal your weapon and your buckler if they stricke you when they have no weapon. Steal equiped items.
Seek items.
Insect Berserk neutral Some small and very agressive scavengers pullulating in the marshes. -
Arknos's creatures Alignment Description Notes
Skelton Berserk bad Skeletons are necro-animated by Arknos evil power. A skelton reduced to a lead of bones have only few chances to be really killed else he will stand up after an unknown rest.
Ghoul Strict bad A decomposed body which has come again to live. If they are hurt, ghouls become berserk. They fear the fire. Big size monster.
Fire make double damage.
Mastor Berserk bad A great and very strong ghoul. Big size monster.
Ghost Berserk bad A soul prisoned in the mortals world. Generaly ghosts remain far from you, but blood attract them. Attracted by blood (when someone is hurt).

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