
14 may 2002


     Arkanae Forum

Many thanks to Adam! Thanks to him, the Arkanae forum is now open! Go there to meet other Arkanae players!
Besides, few news, despite the rpm failure (see below) as Mandrake refused to add Arkanae in their distribution because Arkanae depends on Java which is not free :(
(NB : in other side, they are right and that's why we will give up Java for our next realisations)


07 january 2002


     Happy new year !

Ok, that's true that Arkanae is quite freezed. The game will be completed soon and then we want to do something else (see our future projects)
Else Jiba is preparing an Arkanae rpm which may be, I hope, included with the next Linux Mandrake distribution...


02 october 2001


     Arkanae 0.6

At last here is Arkanae version 0.6. We're late because of Java Web Start which has crashed so many times... but it's ok now. The most important new feature : the first music ! Else you can encounter the elven king and enshrine the Arkances in the Arkanae !
Thanks to Corey O'Connor who has tested Arkanae under Mac OS X... it works but there was a bug in OpenGL for Java. So all Mac fans have to wait for OpenGL for Java author to correct the bug... be patient !


30 september 2001


     Arkanae rebirth on

Our previous host, Babeloueb, has closed (for lack of money problem :'(. So here is Arkanae on TuxFamily! For the occasion the site has been modified a bit (I know great changes are necessary but the time lacks...) Maybe you have noticed new names in the team (Blam, Jiba...) but these are only new nicknames, the people, them, remain the same (let say this comes with the change of host, e-mail address and Linux distribution! :)
A good new : Arkanae has found a musician : Althea Chia!


16 august 2001


     Arkanae 0.5

At last, here it is, the 0.5 release! As always you will find new items (weapons, spellbook), new monsters (daemon, buzard), new characters (Arknos, the witch), new level to explore ( Arknos' caves, the elven city), and maybe you will discover the Arkanae crystal !
Come and enjoy : download !


      Opale.Soya Website

The new Opale.Soya website (our 3D engine) is ready! Here are the links :
Opale.Soya Homepage (we need developers!)
Opale.Soya on Savannah (to download)


16 july 2001



The Arkanae team will be absent from the 21 july to the 04 august 2001 for holidays purpose. Of course, there will be noone for answering to your e-mails so please wait for our coming back !
Still no release :( - your can find the reason below - but here are three new screenshots to help you waiting for next release, maybe in the middle of august.



We are updating our 3D engine, Opale.soya, to include many new features. Of course, this takes a lot of time and we need help. Every programmers will be welcome. Get involved !
Here is the temporary address of Opale.Soya (the projet is also recorded on Savannah, a sourceforge-like) :


08 june 2001


     Our site grows up...

Many pages have been updated, in particlar the screenshots and the bestiary.
Arkanae joins the GamesCreators web ring, the Official Webring of Amateur Creators (in French only).


      Arkanae 0.4

Here is the new release, just for the hollydays ! It's a major release, now you can :

  • visit the swamps,
  • meet Akéron,
  • discover 2 of the 3 scepters...
  • ...and perhaps drop them in the Abyss...
Download now !


26 april 2001


     Arkanae has moved

Arkanae joins ! Now we will try to launch a great advertising campain to make Arkanae known by gamers...


     Arkanae 0.3.2

This new version is quite similar to the 0.3.1, there are few changements despite a new installation system easier and based on the Java Web Start technology : click only on one link to automatically download, install the game with its libraries and play ! Go there.


13 april 2001


     Arkanae 0.3.1

Discover in this release the totality of the catacombs. Featuring :

  • Quests to accomplish.
  • More sound effects.
  • New spells and magic items.

     New look for the site

I hope you like this new version of Arkanae site. This time, it's really gooood loocking !! By the way, notice that the site is entirely realized with a simple text editor, directly by coding html.

     Arkanae background screens

Here are the official Arkanae background screens, a must for all Arkanae fans ! Discover them in the download section.


14 february 2001


     Arkanae 0.3

Download the demo, and go down into the catacombs !
With :

  • Sound (experimental) !
  • Alignment management !
  • Dialogs !
  • A very particular priest... !
  • New monsters !
  • A new fighting system !
  • .....more than one guy will be necessary this time, thank to multiplaying (experimental) !


14 december 2000


     New release 0.2.1

This new precompiled demo, available here, fix some bugs of the previous one (the 0.2), and add the following items :

  • Graphic quality settings (a "graphical sacrifice" can increase the speed or the fluidity).
  • Spellcasting ! Special effects are great, look at the screenshots.
  • Lifebar.


20 november 2000


     Arkanae demo is available !

A precompilated demo of Arkanae is avalaible in the download section ! The installation has really been simplified, as the demo now include GL4Java; the ones who have tried to compile the source code of the previous version will appreciate...


26 october 2000


     New screenshots!

Go here and see the incredible special effects (based on a particles system) of our Opale.Soya 3D engine, and the new level and the first monster!


16 september 2000


      Arkanae developer version 0.1 available !

At last ! Before clicking on the Download section, you must know that it's a developer version so you have to compile the Java code by yourself :(


06 september 2000


      Still working...

Add some new screenshots. 2 new monsters join the bestiary.


30 july 2000


      Opening of the Arkanae site

It's done! First screenshots available !